Sunday, September 14, 2008

Panoramic Prac 15/9/2008

Here is the lastest on my recent test shoot for my Panoramic Architectural Folio for this year.

Problems i seem to be incountering are exposure and the nodel point.
The building shots where coming out flat and the sky was pretty boring. After speaking with Lindy and Melita it has been recommended that i shoot just after sun down to get a better a affect.

In regards to the nodel point i'm still struggling with getting the camera into the right postion but i am making progress, with check point due tomorrow i have already produced my first test image with the full layout organised.

In comparison to my very first shoot, this one has progressed considerably. I have began practising with different layer options and are very close to the beginning of shooting my first of the three final images that will be used in my folio.

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