Monday, August 4, 2008

1.1 Research Topic 5/8/2008

This Blog has been created to follow the progress of my research and development of this years Photographic Folio. My chosen subject for this semester is Landscape Architecture. My idea is to create a series of three Panorama's which are photograph's of the landscape that incorporate outstanding buildings of architectural design.

In conjunction with these three Panorama's a series of smaller shot's will also be included. The focus being on the finer details of the buildings.

Things like the colours, angles and use of materials (like glass) are the primary focus of these images and my inspiration comes from the latest in environmentaly friendly designed buildings being built at Brindabella Business Park.

Over all the Three Panorama's will be shot at different times of the day, and they will be of different buildings, the focus being either the closest building in the shot or the one nearest to the centre.

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