Monday, August 4, 2008

1.3 Review of "Parade" 5/8/2008

This year we see the launch of the largest photographic festival ever seen in Australia (Vivid).
This festival comprises of over 100 exhibitions being open around Australia.

Last week the 3rd year class of CIT photography students from CIT visited an exhibition called "Parade" which was on exhibition at the ANU School of Art. My personal opinion of the exhibition was that some of the works where very impressive while others where lacking.

Some where hung terribly and the techniques used to photograph some of the works weren't up to scratch with others. Dispite this the exhibition wasn't too bad, tho i don't feel that it followed as good as it could have been and directions getting to the location where confusing.

In all the idea for the exhibition was good in theory but the execution was not as succesful. Perhaps a re-think of the some of the photographers works that where on display could of been considered.

Still it was an informative and interesting experience.

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