Saturday, August 9, 2008

2.2 "Primary Research Plan" 10/8/2008

The possiblity of researching further into the Panoramic Architechtural photography is a strong possibility i feel. I have already began doing so by following up works done by previous photographers in each of the separate fields.

Luckly i have contact with photographers like David Paterson and Richard Filby who have experience in these fields so the knowledge base is their.

I would like to visit a couple of exhibitions featuring works along the lines of my chosen subject matter and with Vivid on i should be able to do so.

In regards to seeking advice on how to perform the tasks at hand i will be contacting these mentioned photographers over the period of this semester in an attempt to gain valuable knowledge on what things i should look for in each of the shoots.

The plus side to this would be the opportunity to further develop my own skills and to hopefully exceed my own expectations with the final piece's of work.

For the mean time i will visit websites and speak with over photographers, hopefully i will be able to piece it all together by the end of the up coming week and begin shooting.

To note: I have spoken with someone from Brindabella Business park and they seem happy to let me shoot, they only need to get permission from the building owners and a list of what days and hours i would be shooting.

With that all said, now i just have to get the response from the building owners and i'm off and running.

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