Saturday, August 9, 2008

2.3 Research 10/8/2008

Luminuos Landscape is i site i found that gives great details into how to create Panorama's using photoshop and digtial camera techniques.

Its helpful as it offers over ideas on how to create panorama's that are different in design to other photographers.

This site i would highly recommend to anyone doing Panorama's

See Website Links for further details, located on the top right handside of this Blog


Silvia said...

Hi Scott
It's great that you have found useful tutorials, however you should not just copy and paste the whole tutorial as there is probably copyright restrictions on this type of material. Best if you summarise the main points and then hotlink it to the actual tutorial.

Silvia said...

Hi again Scott
I thought you said you had posted your annotated bibliography - but I can't see it. Best if you email it to me.

Cate McDonald said...

Hi Scott
I am glad you found this site - Luminous Landscapes have some fantistic tutorials - you should have a look at 'tough selections made easy'. They also have a great Lightroom workshop/tutorial. I have done a couple of their tutorials - the photographer I did my work experience with showed me this site earlier this year.